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Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Arnold has released his first TV spot, which is a must watch for any Schwarzenegger aficionado. Like the movie version of "Total Recall" it is hard to determine if this 60-second advertisement is dream or reality.

Particulary interesting is Arnold's word choice and message:

"I am running for governor to lead a movement for change and give California back its future." And the announcer's encouragement to: "Join Arnold, and let's bring California back." (My emphasis.) This subtle repetition of the word "back" seeks to create a linkage between Arnold's campaign and the success of Howard Dean's "You have the power to take our country back" mantra, tagged onto the end of every stump speech. But more important, the "back" phraseology also subconsciously hints at Arnold's most famous movie line, "I'll be back." Thus, the choice of the tagline "Let's bring California back" both evokes the populist Dean (and connects nicely with Arnold's "I want to be the people's governor" message) and suggests Arnold's Hollywood heroics (which bolsters his claim to "work honestly, without fear or favor).



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