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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

First-Hand with US Troops Returning to Iraq

DSBPI was in the DFW airport today and met a large group of US soldiers returning to Iraq after two weeks of R&R. The soldiers were from different units, serving in different parts of the country, but all had a unanimous message: the media aren't giving their work in Iraq a fair shake. Tragedy is unfairly trumping everyday triumph, they claim. And while one can be skeptical that the forces are trained to unite behind a common talking point, there was no spin in play near gate B29 today. These folks were talking from the heart, upset that what they see and what they do overseas is not accurately being seen at home. One engineer spoke about the rebuilding of a sewage systems, another soldier spoke about the Iraqi civilians cheering for the US troops after the Al-Sadr mosque operation. There was pride on display. There may be hope down the road.


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