A weblog that catalogs what's shaping the thinking at the DSB Policy Institute.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Bush Still Relevant

In the face of his crunmbling approval, W was quoted last week saying: "'I've got a job to do. The American people expect me to do my job, and I'm going to." This, for some reasons, evokes the Clinton "still relevant" statement made - could it be -10 years ago?

Friday, October 07, 2005

Bush Speech

DSBPI believes that the latest Bush "Big Speech" on terrorism (see: 10 Plots Foiled Since Sept. 11, Bush Declares) is a precursor to the announcement that we have Osama. Prepare for a Thanksgiving surprise.

Michael Jackson Come Back

DSBPI notes the proliferation of MJ songs on Yahoo! Music stars playlists -- an early indicator of a retro-style come back from the King of Pop.

Intelligent Design Vs. Evolution in Corporate Strategy

We had this fancy post written on this brilliant topic, but our browser crashed. In short: Old School corp. strategy is Intelligent Design, a 5-year plan from on high. New School corp. strategy is much more responsive to conditions in the market. Release early and often, test and revise.