DSBPI predicts that the October surprise won't be terrorist attack, but a fed rate hike.
Greenspan screwed W's dad by not cutting rates, he will screw W but raising them.
A weblog that catalogs what's shaping the thinking at the DSB Policy Institute.
DSBPI predicts that the October surprise won't be terrorist attack, but a fed rate hike.
I am working the night shift at the DSBPI monitoring center and found this email thread I thought would be good for the blog. I guess read from the bottom up. I hope the boss doesn't can me over this.
DSBPI has been saying all along (see archives) that Dean was not in control of his campaign and that it was functioning like an Internet startup before the crash. Now Dean has brought in a new CEO to try and turn his Netscape into a Microsoft.
Front page of New York Sun today, a picture of Dean wearing a kafiyah around his neck. Consistent with DSBPI early thinking (see archives), Dean is imploding.
Quick Iowa takes:
DSBPI wonders if the falling dollar, which has caused an upward repricing of globaly traded dollar-based assets (see: gold) is also impacting New York City real estate -- drawing Euro-earners to this globally-traded asset class.
I think that this "Dean is an Angry man" thing is an echo of the "Al Gore exaggerates" thing. A filter that the media has set up through which to view the candidate.
DSBPI believes that with the advances in data mining technology, concurrent with the mass amounts of individual data now collected and stored, the consequent achievements in customer segmentation and customization will engender a truly perfect product for each individual. That the day of tradeoffs in purchasing decisions will wane and you will find yourself making fewer tough spending choices; the correct product for each moment will rise above the others like the phoenix.
DSBPI notes that those in their mid-twenties and late twenties largely missed out on the stock market boom and bust of the late '90s and have also largely missed out on the residential real estate boom of the late '90s that continues to this day.